EEL4768 Computer Architecture Section 2
Location/Time: Lectures: Section 2 HEC 0102, (TuTh) 04:30pm to 05:45 pm.
Sections 0011(Mo) 9:00am-11:50am,
0012(Tu) 12:00pm-2:50pm,
0013 (We) 9:00am-11:50am,
0014 (Th) 12:00pm-2:50pm,
0015 (Fr) 9:00am-11:50am,
0016 (Fr) 12:00pm-2:50pm.
Instructor: Dr. Jun Wang, HEC 320, 823-0449 (office),
office hours (TuTh) 3:15pm-4:15pm.
TAs(tentative): LABs 0011-12 Rizwan Ashraf
0013-14 Yu Bai
0015-16 Christopher Mitchell
HW Grading Naveed Imran Email:
office hours are Tuesday and Thursday 2pm-3pm.
office location: Harris Center (Engr Bldg III) – Room 242
Course pages:
WebCourses@UCF: everything
Course Materials
All course documents including lecture slides, lecture notes, homework assignments and solutions, and other helpful course resources will be uploaded on WebCourses@UCF via MyUCF portal. Your up-to-date grades will be uploaded on Grade Book in WebCourses@UCF. Please check upgrades regularly.
The discussion forum in WebCourse@UCF will create several discussion forums available for students, TA and faculty to share information. You can use it to ask questions, answer questions and share design, implementation, simulation and debug ideas and experience.
(Required) Computer Architecture: A quantitative approach, 4th edition, by Patterson & Hennessy
(References) Computer Organization and Design, revised 3rd edition, by Patterson & Hennessy
HDL Programming Fundamentals VHDL and Verilog, by Nazeib M. Botros
Other Handouts, book chapters, articles, conference papers and URLs will supplement course material.
Course Description
Computer system performance and evaluation, Control and datapath design, Arithmetic Logic Unit, microprogrammed architectures, instruction and arithmetic pipelines, cache and virtual memory, and RISC vs. CISC.
Students will also practice first-hand design and implementation of a RISC pipeline microprocessor and an application system.
EEL3801/CDA3103 Computer Organization plus COP3402 System Software for CS majors
Course Assessment Outcomes
This course is designed for advanced undergraduate computer engineering and computer science students.
1. The students shall be able to understand register-transfer-level (RTL) design of control and data path, and use software tools such as Xilinx ISE to simulate hardware designs captured using hardware description language Verilog.
2. The students shall be able to analyze the computer performance such as CPU execution time and average memory access time.
3. The students shall understand the fundamental concepts and techniques in computer architecture, including instruction set architecture, pipelining, memory hierarchy and exploitation of instruction-level parallelism.
4. The students shall be able to work in teams to accomplish a project for design and implementation of a RISC pipeline microprocessor and an application system.
5. The students shall be able to write technical high level design and detailed design.
Computer System Performance and Evaluation
Hardware Description Language (Verilog)
Data Path and Control Level of Design
Instruction Set Principles and Examples
Pipelining, Instruction-Level Parallelism
Memory Hierarchy Design
I/O (if time permitted)
Grading Policy
1. Two equally weighted exams (midterm and final) will be given during the course.
2. Four Lab assignments will be given during the course and start from the third week.
3. 4-5 homework assignments will be given during the course.
4. Final Grade will be calculated according to the weight associated with each component listed:
Homework: 20%;
Midterm Exam: 25%;
Final Exam: 25%;
Laboratory: 30% (5%, 5%, 8%, 12%).
Grading Scale: A >= 90; 80 =< B < 90; 70 =< C < 80; 60 =< D < 70; F < 60
Laboratory Schedule
1. Lab will begin in the third week.
2. The laboratory component is structured as an open lab in ENGR257. The lab is using XUP Virtex-II Pro FPGA Evaluation Board as a hardware platform. The Xilinx ISE 9.2i and ModelSim software will be used as the software development environment. Windows/UNIX/Linux environment simulation, application-level and assembly programming environment are also prepared.
3. Topics:
Lab 1: Combinational Logic Design (e.g, an 8-bit adder/subtractor, a 4-to-1 MUX and 2-to-4 decoder)
Lab 2: Sequential Logic Design (e.g, a 4-bit counter, and a finite state machine)
Lab 3: Decimal Push Button Counter (e.g, a decimal counter stored in ROM and clocked by push button)
Lab 4: Team Project-Building a RISC Pipeline Processor and its application system
4. Students are encouraged to play with Xilinx ISE in own computers.
5. Lab TA will be in the lab at lab section times, demonstrate Schematic Design/Verilog programming, debugging and board hacking. He/she will assist in the interpretation of results. The laboratory exercises will be presented in class and performance will be evaluated by completion and reporting.
Homework will be assigned in the format of problem solving, and assigned reading. All homework must be completed on time.
Special Needs
We try our best to accommodate any student with a disability. Please contact the instructor or University disability service center as soon as possible if you need special accommodations. |