Dr. Jian Zhou (finished in Summer 2020)
Email: jzhou.research@gmail.com
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Jian Zhou is currently a PostDoc in Computer Engineering at University of Central Florida. He get his second Ph.D degree at 2018 from University of Central Florida. Before this, he get his first Ph.D degree at 2016 from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. His current focus is developing new applications and data processing frameworks for persistent memory systems.
Current Ph.D. students
Shakya Jayakody Arachchige
Anne Tall (graduated in Summer 2022)
Email: anne.tall@knights.ucf.edu
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She is now a PhD student in Computer Engineering Program in University of Central Florida. She received her Master degree in Electrical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University in 1993 and bachelor’s degree from University of Maryland College Park. Her research interest is big data security.
Current Master Students
- Raghavendrarao Ananta (graduated in summer 2017)
- Vamsee R. K.
- Siddhi K.
Current Undergraduate Research Assistants
- Tyler Lukasiewicz
- Evan Baytan