- NSF CISE Directorate Panelist 2005, 2007, 2008(2), 2009, 2010, 2012(2), 2013, 2014(2), 2015(2), 2016(1)
- Steering committee for the IEEE NAS 2016
NSF CISE Directorate Panelist 2005, 2007, 2008 (2), 2009, 2010, 2012 (2), 2013, 2014(2)
DOE ARRA-E Proposal Reviewer 2009
NIH challenge grant reviewer 2009
DOE Career Panelist 2006
DOE SBIR/STTR Phase I, II Proposal Review 2006, 2007
Campus Liaison with USENIX (2002-2006)
TPC for SC’15, DCPerf’15, BigSystems’15, NVMSA’15, SC’14, MASCOTS’14, BigSystems’14, ICCCN’14, IEEE BigData’13, IC3’12, IPDPS’12, ICPADS’10, ICPP’10, HiPC’07, NAS’07, ICCCN’06, ICPP’06, SNAPI’05, ICCCN’05, SNAPI’04 and other international conferences
Local chair for the IEEE HPCA’14
Steering committee for the Second International Workshop on Energy Consumption and Reliability of Storage Systems (ERSS 2012)
Program committee co-chair for the IEEE NAS 2015
Program committee vice chair for the IEEE ScaleCom 2012
Program co-chair (storage track) in the 7th IEEE NAS2012
Session chair for ICPP’07, ICPP’08
Co-organizer/Program Co-chair for SPEED’08
Editorial board (Associate Editor) for the International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributes Systems (IJPEDS).
Associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 2012-2014.